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The only way to experience MORE in your life – more peace, more passion, more joy, more fulfillment, more significance, more abundance, more rich connections, more resiliency, more personal sovereignty and a more expanded vision for your life…
Is to FIRST overcome the conflicts, traumas, resentments, generational wounds passed down through your lineage, and deeply rooted programming that your subconscious mind has made you to believe that you're not smart enough, capable enough, worthy enough, or deserving of having. And THAT..... is an internal job.
Your authentic power remains elusive when entangled and stifled by internal obstacles and distracting white noise that society has on repeat.
Put simply, personal success, income, impact, and fulfillment in your life aren't solely generated through willpower, determination, or mere "taking action."
This marks a groundbreaking blend of the world's most potent transformational approaches.
From the transformative insights of cognitive psychology and behavior change...
To the cutting-edge neuroscience of habits and the mechanics of learning...
And the most empowering principles of personal growth...
AND the foundation is rooted in the ancient wisdom of biblical truths.
to overcome your deepest internal conflicts and most challenging inner obstacles…
And finally unlock exponential YOU-MAN growth and phenomenal personal success.
This is about you having a REAL methodology that you can use to liberate yourself from the negative confinement of your own mind that keeps you stuck. You can finally know how to shut up the critic in your head once and for all by creating new neurosynaptic connections to your limiting beliefs.
Achieving the level of power and impact you were meant for becomes attainable through this dependable method. It's not just a philosophy or an idea but a tangible reality. Discover how to heal generational wounds that you were never created to carry for long period of time.
Here's why it's effective for everyone willing to put in the effort:
The human brain is a constant factor for all individuals, irrespective of their pursuits, locations, or socioeconomic backgrounds. We share the same cognitive foundation.
Understanding the workings of this shared cognitive hardware diminishes the significance of the intricacies and unique aspects of our internal struggles.
I have yet to come across a limiting belief that cannot be unraveled, overcome, and replaced with a more empowering one using this approach.
I've shared the fundamental principles of this system with thousands of purpose-driven individuals, and the results have been remarkable! Heal....from the inside out.
Every week, we'll delve into a foundational "step" on the path toward what I term Whole Human Healing. On a personal level, each session is designed to assist you in growing and advancing in specific areas of your life. Together, they will foster a profound expansion of your consciousness, leading to genuine and enduring transformation.
Because this shifts you to show up differently in a more empowered way while you are walking out the “call” on your life.
... and expand your wealth consciousness so you can smash through your current income ceiling and put an end to financial insecurity (regardless of whether you’re employed or growing a business)
...in close and other contexts – and enhance your capacity to connect and be genuinely present with your spouse, kids, friends, coworkers, and even seemingly "random" strangers – the sacred contract holders of your evolution.
Find reconciliation with those who challenge you and cultivate strength from those who empower you.
Arm yourself with the tools to purposefully and effectively navigate through any challenges that manifest as obstacles in your life, allowing for powerful and intentional course correction.
Embrace spiritual and psychological transformation, ensuring that you move beyond merely articulating ideals to becoming a living embodiment of peace, joy, authenticity, and love – regardless of where you are on your personal development journey.
...in your life without resistance, resentment, or unforgiveness and attain complete presence in your capacity to navigate any situation with strength, boldness and grace.
...and remove any doubt about your abilities, skillsets, worthiness, and life pursuits
... Naturally enhance your well-being, extend your longevity, and access additional energy and vibrancy whenever needed.
... Transform into a remarkable source of positive influence for those around you, including your family, friends, and the communities you belong to, and stretch your call globally
... Explore opportunities in your professional journey and determine whether you are destined to initiate your own business or elevate the existing one to new heights.
and discover how the people, experiences, and challenges in your life have actually been contributing to your growth, expansion and success
liberating yourself from codependence, people-pleasing habits, and the reliance on external validation in your quest for success or simply to feel "good enough." And so much more!
Attain complete clarity regarding your life's vision, mission, and purpose, empowering you to manifest a life filled with increased joy, growth, and connection.
Reveal the personal traumas and resistances that are hindering your progress, enabling you to initiate the removal of these outdated programs and substitute them with beliefs that align with your full potential.
Explore the potency of making great Decisions and other impactful tools to bring about profound and lasting changes in your brain.
Recognize the resentments and judgments that are reinforcing your limiting beliefs and obstructing your liberation from those who have caused you harm.
Liberate yourself from resentments by applying the timeless wisdom from the bible and discover the Roadmap that leads to Forgiveness, and unveil how the people and challenges in your life have played a role in fostering your growth and success, hence leading the way to your evolution.
Recognize your 'Core Program' or un-healable wound and learn how to liberate yourself from it, enabling you to attain the next level of joy, abundance, health, wealth, and connection.
Enhance your spirituality and strengthen your connection with THE higher power through the principles and tools of this amazing blueprint.
Release the persistent inner sense of stress, tension, and hypervigilance by employing the 3-step 'Surrender Experience' process that LaShawne utilized to liberate herself from her past trauma.
Liberate yourself from the cycle of comparison, codependency, and the compulsion to seek approval or success to validate your sense of worth.
Establish fresh neural pathways and cultivate a groundwork of self-love, self-esteem, and self-confidence, empowering you to confidently bring to life the vision you have for an extraordinary existence.
Acquire daily rituals and powerful practices to further intensify your transformation and establish a consistent transformative routine in your daily life.